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Tuesday, 12 November 2013


Phobia means the fear of something or an object. There are different types of phobias in the world. i have listed a few of them below

Altophobia- Fear of heights.
Amathophobia- Fear of dust.
Angrophobia - Fear of anger or of becoming angry.
Ankylophobia- Fear of immobility of a joint.
Anthrophobia or Anthophobia- Fear of flowers.
Arachnephobia or Arachnophobia- Fear of spiders.
Arithmophobia- Fear of numbers.
Arsonphobia- Fear of fire.
Asthenophobia- Fear of fainting or weakness.
Astraphobia or Astrapophobia- Fear of thunder and lightning
Barophobia- Fear of gravity.
Belonephobia- Fear of pins and needles. (Aichmophobia)
Bibliophobia- Fear of books.
Brontophobia- Fear of thunder and lightning.
Cacophobia- Fear of ugliness
Cleptophobia- Fear of stealing.
Climacophobia- Fear of stairs, climbing, or of falling downstairs.
Clinophobia- Fear of going to bed.
Chronophobia- Fear of time.
Coimetrophobia- Fear of cemeteries.
Cryophobia- Fear of extreme cold, ice or frost.
Crystallophobia- Fear of crystals or glass.
Cyberphobia- Fear of computers or working on a computer.
Cyclophobia- Fear of bicycles.
Decidophobia- Fear of making decisions.
Dentophobia- Fear of dentists.
Diabetophobia- Fear of diabetes.
Didaskaleinophobia- Fear of going to school.
Dikephobia- Fear of justice.
Diplophobia- Fear of double vision.
Dipsophobia- Fear of drinking.
Dystychiphobia- Fear of accidents.
Electrophobia- Fear of electricity.
Entomophobia- Fear of insects.
Frigophobia- Fear of cold or cold things
Electrophobia- Fear of electricity.
Entomophobia- Fear of insects.
Frigophobia- Fear of cold or cold things
Gamophobia- Fear of marriage.
Geliophobia- Fear of laughter.
Gelotophobia- Fear of being laughed at
Genophobia- Fear of sex.
Gerascophobia- Fear of growing old.
Geumaphobia or Geumophobia- Fear of taste.
Glossophobia- Fear of speaking in public or of trying to speak.
Gnosiophobia- Fear of knowledge.
Hadephobia- Fear of hell.
Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia- Fear of the number 666.
Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia- Fear of long words.
Hodophobia- Fear of road travel.
Hormephobia- Fear of shock.
Hygrophobia- Fear of liquids, dampness, or moisture.
Iatrophobia- Fear of going to the doctorIophobia- Fear of poison.
Insectophobia - Fear of insects.
Leukophobia- Fear of the color white.
Ligyrophobia- Fear of loud noises.
Lilapsophobia- Fear of tornadoes and hurricanes.
Logizomechanophobia- Fear of computers.
Logophobia- Fear of words.Lygophobia- Fear of darkness.
Melissophobia- Fear of bees.
Melanophobia- Fear of the color black.
Melophobia- Fear or hatred of music.
Mnemophobia- Fear of memories.
Motorphobia- Fear of automobiles.
Obesophobia- Fear of gaining weight
Panophobia or Pantophobia- Fear of everything.
Paraskavedekatriaphobia- Fear of Friday the 13th.
Pediophobia- Fear of dolls.
Pedophobia- Fear of children.
Peniaphobia- Fear of poverty.
Phalacrophobia- Fear of becoming bald.
Phasmophobia- Fear of ghosts.
Phobophobia- Fear of phobias.
Psychophobia- Fear of mind
Radiophobia- Fear of radiation, x-rays.
Samhainophobia: Fear of Halloween
Satanophobia- Fear of Satan
Sesquipedalophobia- Fear of long words.
Symbolophobia- Fear of symbolism.
Tachophobia- Fear of speed.
Triskaidekaphobia- Fear of the number 13.
Wiccaphobia: Fear of witches and witchcraft.
Zelophobia- Fear of jealousy.
Zeusophobia- Fear of God or gods.
Zemmiphobia- Fear of the great mole rat.
Zoophobia- Fear of animals.

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