Longest Insect
The Borneo
walking stick (Phobaeticus kirbyi) can grow to up to 32 centimeters long, with
another 14 centimeters if you measure the legs stretched out
beetles (Goliathus) are the largest insects in terms of bulk and weight. They
can reach over 4 inches long
animal on earth.
The Hercules
beetle (Dynastes hercules) is a species of rhinoceros beetle that lives in
South America. It can grow to over 6 inches in length (counting its horns), but
its claim to fame is its strength. The Hercules beetle can support 850 times
its own weight on its shell! This beetles eats only vegetation and is not
aggressive, except to other Hercules beetles, when males fight each other over
The twisted-wing
parasite (Strepsiptera) is an order of insects who display a gruesome
lifestyle. The larval stage parasite will climb a flower and wait for an insect
pollinator (bee or wasp) to come along. They climb aboard the bee, burrow into
its body, and change into a second-stage larva. They feed off the blood and
organs of the host. An adult male parasite will emerge from the host and search
for a mate -a process that takes such little time that he never develops a
mouth. The adult female remains in the host’s body for the rest of her life,
never growing legs or wings. She mates by pushing only
her reproductive organs outside of the bee’s body! Her offspring
will emerge and look for new hosts.
The gruesome
behavior or the male African bat bug (Afrocimex constrictus) is directed at
other bat bugs. Instead of copulating via the female’s sex organs, he will stab
her abdomen to release sperm directly into her bloodstream. So the females have
evolved paragenitals,
a “spongy reservoir of immune cells” as a defense against these tactics. But
since male bat bugs are not particular when it comes to mating, some male bat bugs have also developed
paragenitals to defend themselves against sexual attack!
and Torture.
Tree ants
(Allomerus decemarticulatus) in the Amazon contruct elaborate traps for other
insects they feed upon. They build these traps from tree fibers reinforced with
fungus. When an unsuspecting insect encounters the trap, the ants emerge from
hiding underneath and pull the prey’s legs to immobilize them, almost like a
torture rack. Then they dismember the victim and carry the parts off to the
colony. This method of “drawing and quartering” allows the ants to dine on
insects much larger than themselves.
Driver ants
(Dorylus) or siafu are the masters of the swarm. Dorylus includes several
species of army ants, primarily found in Africa. Colonies can contain 20
million ants! When the column is on the march looking for food, people can
avoid them just by stepping aside. But there have been cases where invalids
have been killed (by asphyxiation) when a column of ants marches through the
house. They have been known to kill and eat animals up to the size of small
of all.
The mosquito (Culicidae) causes
the deaths of millions of people every year. They spread yellow fever, dengue
fever, encephalitis, West Nile Virus, and malaria from person to person,
without being affected by the diseases themselves. They also transmit the
debilitating filariasis worm, which can lead to elephantiasis in humans.
Mosquitos are nasty business.
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