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Saturday, 1 March 2014

similarities and differences between octopus and squid taken from internet

About Octopus is a cephalopod with eight arms. It is a head-footed animal Squid is a cephalopod with eight arms and two tentacles arranged in pairs. It is a head-footed animal
Anatomy An Octopus has a mantle, a head, 8 arms endowed with 1 or 2 rows of suckers but no hooks or sucker rings A standard Squid has 2 fins, a mantle, a head, 8 arms and 2 tentacles each endowed with hooks and/or suckers or sucker rings
Fins Most octopi do not have fins, though some deep water octopuses may be the exceptions. Squid have 2 fins on their heads
Shell Octopi do not have any shell or stiff bone in their body Squid possess a stiff structure known as a pen, which acts like a flexible backbone
Live in Octopi live in dens on the sea floor Squid live in the open oceans
Diet Octopi eat bottom dwelling Crustaceans. Squid eat fish and shrimp.
Blood Blue Blue
Class Cephalopoda Cephalopoda
Phylum Mollusca Mollusca
Order Octopoda Teuthida
Superorder Octopodiformes Decapodiformes
Kingdom Animalia Animalia
Sub Class Coleoidea Coleoidea
Species 300 298
Size Octopuses range in size from 1cm to more than 5m Average Squid no more than 60cm Giant one up to 13m, some reported even 20m (66ft.)
Nature Octopi are solitary in nature and always live alone Squid maybe solitary or may live in schools
Catching and Eating Their Prey Octopi grab their prey and pierce through its shell and inject paralyzing venom into it. Dissolves and loosens meat with saliva Squid catch food with their two long tentacles and eat it in chunks.
Lifespan 1 to 3 years 9 months to 5 years
Geographical Distribution In salty water of the tropics to the temperate zones. In salty water of the tropics to the temperate zones.
Plural Octopodes/Octopi/Octopuses Squid (when referring to a collective); Squids (when referring to 2 or more species of squid)

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